Personal Safety

  • Dress for Shopping
    • Wear comfortable clothing with a number of pockets. You can carry your money, ID and credit cards in your pocket.
    • Avoid flashy jewelry whether it is real or costume.
    • Comfortable shoes are a must.
  • Avoid Purses and Wallets
    • Leave your hands free to deal with kids and packages, etc. Definitely avoid shoulder purses of any kind. If you must carry a purse, carry a short strap hand held purse. Carry only the essentials in your small purse or fanny pack that you can keep close to your body.
    • For men, Instead of a wallet, secure your cash in a money clip in your front pocket. If you must carry a wallet, wear snug fitting pants or carry it in your coat breast pocket so that you would feel if someone tried to steal it out of your pocket.
  • Cash, Checks, Credit Cards
    • Carry cash in denominations no larger than a $20.00 bill. If your bank gives you larger denominations, have them exchange it before you leave.
    • Carry your cash in various locations on your body such as pockets, socks, bras, etc. Never pull all of your cash out at once.
    • If you carry a check book, make sure that you keep up with the check numbers and the recipients. This will assist you in cancelling your checks.
    • Carry only the credit cards that you need while you are shopping. Always log your credit card numbers with the 800 numbers and keep them in a safe place or e-mail them to yourself and file the information in an electronic folder just in case you have to cancel them.
  • Lock Your Vehicle Doors At All Times
    • Most vehicles with electric door locks can be set to stay locked when you put your car in park. You should only unlock your door from inside manually.
  • Parking Lot Etiquette
    • Drive around a parking lot and make sure that there are no suspicious activities going on before you park.
    • If you are going to be returning to your vehicle after dark, park in a well lit area.
    • Landmark yourself so you can return to your vehicle easily.
    • Have everything in your hands before you get out of your vehicle.
    • Look around to see if it is safe to exit.
    • Exit quickly, lock your door and proceed to your destination.
    • Keep your keys in your hand in case you have to use them as a defense weapon.
    • Walk in the center of the drive. If a vehicle approaches, step to the driver’s side of the approaching vehicle and let it pass. Then return to the center of the drive. If someone is crouched down behind a parked vehicle, this action would make them run to you instead of you going near them.
    • Make good eye contact with people and issue a verbal acknowledgment. This lets the potential attacker know that you have seen them and may possibly recognize them again.
  • When Returning to Your Vehicle
    • Have your keys in hand, quickly enter into your vehicle and leave.
    • DO NOT sit and arrange packages, make phone calls or put on make-up. This allows a potential attacker time to approach you.
  • Entering Into Your Vehicle
    • Do not activate your remote keyless entry until you are even with the back of your vehicle. If done any sooner, someone could enter into your vehicle before you do.
  • If You Are Attacked
    • Do not resist. There is nothing in your packages, purse or wallet that is worth your life.
    • If you are forced into a physical confrontation to protect yourself or others, scream to call attention to yourself.
  • Physical Defense
    • You can use your keys or thumbs to gouge the attacker’s eyes
    • Use the heel of your hand to jam the attacker’s nose or adam’s apple
    • Knee the groin area or stomp down on top of the attacker’s foot. The purpose of these defense tactics is to stun your attacker so that you may make a quick escape.
  • Describe You Attacker
    • Race, gender, height, weight, identifying features such as scars, marks, tattoo's and other oddities, glasses, clothing (particularly pants and shoes), vehicle descriptions and direction of travel.
  • Strength in Numbers
    • Shop with others. If you are by yourself and feel apprehensive about returning to a parking lot, ask for an escort from security or a store manager.
  • Do Not Leave Valuables Visible in Your Vehicle
    • Cash, purses, coins, jewelry, cell phones, camera's, backpacks, GPS systems and laptop computers are very popular items.
  • Make Sure That You Are Not Followed
    • If you think that you are being followed…DO NOT DRIVE HOME!
    • Call 911 on your cell phone, know your location and remain on the phone.
    • If you do not have a cell phone, drive around until you see a Police Officer or go through a fast food drive thru window (one that is clear) and ask the clerk to get a description of the vehicle if they can and call the Police for you.
  • Always See That No One Enters Your Garage
    • Exit your vehicle only after you know that things are secure.
  • 911 is a Free Call on Your Cell Phone
    • Even cell phones with no data service can be used to call 911. Keep a cell phone charged and with you if at all possible.