ATM Security

Robberies have been a problem at ATMs for some time. Here are some safety tips which may make using the ATMs safer

  • If you drive to the ATM, it is best to lock your car but keep your keys handy so you can enter your car quickly after completing your transaction.
  • Be alert for anything suspicious, especially two or more people in a nearby vehicle, particularly if no one else is at the ATM, or someone who just appears to be "hanging" around the area.
  • If you sense something wrong, leave the area immediately and use another ATM.
  • When waiting in line, wait well behind the person or persons using the ATM.
  • When you are using the ATM and someone is closer than you would like, ask them to step back a few steps. If they do not step back it may be best to cancel your transaction and wait in your locked vehicle until that person leaves or you could go to another ATM.
  • Have everything ready before you approach the ATM; have your card ready, know your code, fill out your deposit envelope before approaching the ATM.
  • Do NOT write your code on your ATM card. Keep your code secret. If needed, check the code before approaching the ATM.
  • Stand directly in front of the ATM, blocking the view of others. You don't want others to see your code or to see what type of transaction you make, or how much money you withdraw.
  • If you must use an ATM after dark, have a friend go with you if possible. Many ATM robberies occur between midnight and 6 a.m.
  • At a drive-up ATM keep all windows closed, except the one you are using, and keep all doors locked. Keep the car running, and keep your eyes moving, watching the front, sides, and rear area; if someone approaches your vehicle on foot cancel the transaction and leave.
  • When your transaction is completed immediately take your property--card, receipt, money, etc. and put them in your pocket and leave immediately. You can count your money later.
  • When you leave the ATM and you feel someone is following you, walk or drive into the closest open business and call the Police.
  • Report all ATM crimes to your local Law Enforcement Agency.