Holiday Shopping Safety Tips

    SHOPPING SAFETY TIPS JEFFERSON COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE • DRESS FOR SHOPPING ** Wear comfortable clothing with a number of pockets. You can carry your money, ID and credit cards in your pocket. ** Avoid flashy jewelry whether it is real or costume. ** Comfortable shoes are a must. • AVOID CARRYING PURSES ** Leave your hands free to deal with kids and packages, etc. Definitely avoid shoulder purses of any kind. If you must carry a purse, carry a short strap hand held purse. Carry only the essentials in your small purse or fanny pack that you can keep close to your body. ** Instead of a wallet, secure your cash in a money clip in your front pocket. If you must carry a wallet, wear snug fitting pants or carry it in your coat breast pocket so that you would feel if someone tried to steal it out of your pocket. • CASH, CHECKS AND CREDIT CARDS ** Carry cash in denominations no larger than a $20.00 bill. If your bank gives you larger denominations, have them exchange it before you leave. ** Carry your cash in various pockets and never pull all of your cash out at once. ** If you carry a check book, make sure that you keep up with the check numbers and the recipients. This will assist you in cancelling your checks. ** Carry only the credit cards that you need while you are shopping. Always log your credit card numbers with the 800 numbers and keep the information in a safe place. You can file the information in an electronic folder just in case you have to cancel your cards. • LOCK YOUR DOORS AT ALL TIMES ** Most vehicles with electric door locks can be set to stay locked when you put your car in park. • HIDE YOUR VALUABLES ** Guns, cash, purses, coins, jewelry, cell phones, camera's, backpacks, GPS systems and laptop computers are very popular items. • 911 IS A FREE CALL ON YOUR CELL PHONE ** Even cell phones with no data service can be used to call 911. Keep a cell phone charged and with you if at all possible.


    11/24/2020 12:01 PM
    Crystal Holmes, PIO