Scam Alert

Scammers are targeting registrants from the public sex offender list in a scam involving requests for gift cards and other types of payments. Law enforcement agencies in multiple states have encountered incidents in which these scammers are calling registered sex offenders, posing as law enforcement officers, and advising them that they are negligent in their legal requirements in some way or have missed a scheduled court date. The caller may provide a callback number and voicemail that sounds like it belongs to local law enforcement. The caller tells the registered offender that they must purchase gift cards to avoid arrest or possible criminal charges. They then have the registrant read off the card over the phone. Once the information is provided, the scammer drains the card account. It is important for all residents to know that no Law Enforcement Agency, including the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, will ever solicit any person for any type of payment to avoid arrest or any type of criminal enforcement action. All calls requesting payment in the form of gift cards, specifically, are scams. Never give out your credit information to someone that calls YOU. The best response you can have is to simply hang up on the caller. Should you fall victim to this scam, immediately report it to your local Law Enforcement Agency. You can reach the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Office by calling 409-835-8668.


11/5/2019 2:10 PM
Crystal Holmes, PIO