Horse Rescue in Port Arthur

On Thursday morning, 04/11/2019, JCSO Livestock Deputy Stretch Metts was notified by the owner of a horse that his horse was stuck in a canal. The canal is located East of Ayershire Road in Port Arthur. The 4 year old quarter horse named Dusty had been in the canal for many hours and was exhausted. Dusty’s owner was able to put on his bridal and help hold his head up while rescue operations began. LNVA Officials were notified and after being apprised of the situation, sent out a crew and a backhoe. The crew went to work grading down the bank of the canal so the horse could be pulled up. Straps were attached to Dusty and he was slowly pulled up to safety. There were concerns about Dusty’s physical wellbeing due to the fact that his breathing was labored and he was stiff-legged and unable to stand. While Deputy Metts was on the phone with a local Veterinarian, Dusty surprised everyone and stood up on his own. Dusty was transported to the local Veterinarians office where he received IV’s and Antibiotics. His prognosis is good. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the LNVA crew, particularly Allen Peltier, Richard Guillory, Josh Drake and Duane Browning for their help in saving Dusty. #OneCountyOneCommunity


4/12/2019 2:48 PM
Crystal Holmes, PIO