School Safety Issues

On 02/20/2018, JCSO received a report from Hamshire Fannett High School that a comment was made about a gun from one student to another. Deputies interviewed the students involved. No gun was ever seen by students and no gun was found. There was no threat made to anyone. JCSO Detectives are currently investigating the incident. We commend the students who voiced their concerns and we encourage parents to open a dialogue with your children about school safety. It is never OK to even joke about guns or violence, particularly on a school campus. Prior to this event, the Sheriff’s Office had increased our presence at all of the schools in rural Jefferson County. Don’t be alarmed if you see Jefferson County Deputies or Constables at your schools. It is our job to protect our schools. We will be walking hallways, walking parking lots and patrolling perimeters. In that same vein, don’t over-react and post things on social media that you don’t know as a fact. This causes unnecessary panic in the community. Our goal is to make our schools as safe as possible for our children and teachers. #OneCountyOneCommunity


2/22/2018 10:17 AM
Crystal Holmes, PIO