Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Increasing Patrol for Labor Day Weekend

Beginning tomorrow, The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office will be stepping up patrol for the Labor Day weekend. Deputies will focus on impaired drivers, speeders and seat belt violations on our roadways. We will also increase patrol efforts at the Beach. We encourage anyone who is planning on celebrating this last three day weekend of the summer season, to do responsibly. We have included the DWI laws of the State of Texas which includes the definition of a DWI. Plan in advance and choose your designated driver carefully! The Law on DWI In Texas, a person is legally intoxicated and may be arrested and charged with Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) with a .08 BAC (blood or breath alcohol concentration). However, a person is also intoxicated if impaired due to alcohol or other drugs regardless of BAC. Whether you're the driver or the passenger, you can be fined up to $500 for having an open alcohol container in a vehicle. First Offense • A fine of up to $2,000 • Three days to 180 days in jail • Loss of driver license up to a year • Annual fee of $1,000 or $2,000 for three years to retain driver license Second Offense* • A fine of up to $4,000 • One month to a year in jail • Loss of driver license up to two years • Annual fee of $1,000, $1,500 or $2,000 for three years to retain driver license Third Offense* • A $10,000 fine • Two to 10 years in prison • Loss of driver license up to two years • Annual fee of $1,000, $1,500, or $2,000 for three years to retain driver license *After two or more DWI convictions in five years, you must install a special ignition switch that prevents your vehicle from being operated if you've been drinking. How to Stay Safe • Don't drink and drive. • Designate a driver. • Call a cab. • Spend the night where you are, if possible.


8/30/2018 4:32 PM
Crystal Holmes, PIO