First some
Carjacking facts: |
Carjackings take place very quickly Most take
only 15 to 20 seconds to complete. |
Carjackings can be violent. Drivers have been beaten and
even murdered whhile being pulled out of their car. |
Carjackers are usually armed. Either with a gun or knife. |
Carjackings may first involve a minor traffic accident.
The victim's car is "bumped" at a stop sign, red light, or
freeway off ramp. When the victim gets out of the car to check
the damage the suspect pulls a weapon and takes the car. |
the car; or as you are pulling into or out of a parking
space - a second vehicle may block your path with a passenger
from the suspect's vehicle Betting out and pulling you out
of your car; or as you are entering or exiting your car -
the suspect may be standing close by, in a parked car, or
hiding by other parked cars, buildings, etc. |
Safety Tips: |
BE AWARE. This is very important' Giving the appearance
of not paying attention and not being alert is what suspects
look for in a victim. Look around and get a BIG PICTURE of
your surroundings. |
At times you may want to be a little suspicious of a person
or persons, ask yourself why is this person where they are?
Some victims have seen the suspect but the victim thought
the person looked "innocent," "he was just standing around,"
etc. |
Keep your house keys and car keys on separate key chains.
When going to your car have your keys out and ready, look
around for anyone "hanging ' around your car or your path
to your car. Don't hesitate to run back to where you came
from to get help. |
LOOK AROUND one last time just before exiting your
car. When you pull into a parking area look around for anyone
"hanging" around or someone who seems to "pace" their walk
to arrive at your parking place as you are exiting your car.
If you see someone like this move to another parking area
or leave the area. By keeping your keys in your hand you can
quickly get back into your car if someone suddenly appears
and approaches you....GET BACK IN THE CAR - HONK THE HORN
In a minor "fender bender" type accident, if the location
is secluded, instead of getting out immediately, you may want
to drive to an open business, Police Station. Fire Station,
etc. for your safety. Motion the other driver to follow you;
you do not want to give the other driver the idea you are
running away from an accident, even though the other driver
caused the accident. |
Keep your car doors locked and windows rolled up. |
Keep packages, purse, etc. on the floor rather than on the
seat where they are easier to see. |
Keep your car in good working order and with plenty of gas.
If you have car trouble keep your doors locked and windows
up. If someone stops to help stay in the car and ask them
to call the police or a service station which you have the
phone number to and are aware the station stays open 24 hours.