Sheriff's Welcome Welcome to the Jefferson County
Sheriff's Office web site! This is a new method of communicating
information about our agency and receiving information from others
through our E-mail
address. The technological growth within the Law Enforcement community
in the area of computers/Internet is progressing fast, as we move
closer to the 21st century. Our intent is to stay within the curve
of technological growth by utilizing our web site in ways to assist
us in our Law Enforcement activities and by informing the public
of information. You are best served by us, when we use all the resources
capable of providing you quality service. We hope you will gain
knowledge regarding information relating to the activities of our
agency such as: but not limited to: Mission Statement, Departmental
Divisions, Organizational Charts, Maps, Phone Numbers, History,
and Public Service Announcements. We plan on keeping you informed
as we progress through the 21st century.
The Jefferson County Sheriff's
Office will provide
quality service and protection to the citizens of
Jefferson County with pride and integrity. |
Help put a stop drugs in Jefferson County
Department of Public Safety
Sexual Offenders Database
Tow Service Guidelines
Wrecker Company Application
Wrecker Rotation Effective 11-1-2015