The mission of the Jefferson County Correctional Facility is
to provide the safe and secure detention of offenders in order to
protect the staff, inmates, and citizens of Jefferson County. Our
purpose and intent of the many educational programs offered within
our facility is to provide inmates with the knowledge and skills
necessary for them to become productive citizens of our society.
The Jefferson County Corrections Facility is a "short term" facility.
The facility is certified by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards.
This facility is designed to house prisoners in a direct supervision
atmosphere that is safe and secure. The Corrections Facility intent
through education and rehabilitation programs is to interrupt the
cycle of criminal activity that results in the recidivism of the
persons being incarcerated. Educational programs include Anger Management,
GED, Auto Body repair, as well as, other programs offered by the
Correctional Facility.
The following pages will take you on a short tour through a unique
"The Jefferson County Sheriff's Department Intake & Releasing
Section will provide quality service to the public and insure the
proper identification, classification, and timely release of all
inmates housed in our facility."
The Jefferson County Correctional Facility provides services to a daily average inmate population of over 1,000 inmates, all of which must enter or be released through the Intake and Releases Section respectively. These areas of the Corrections Division processed a total of 36,984 persons for the year 2014, of which approximately 5,346 were felony arrests, 5,409 felony releases, 13,045 misdemeanor arrests, 13,184 misdemeanor releases and averages 110 new intakes per day. Each person brought into the facility is processed in the same manner.
Searched; |
Property taken, logged, bagged; |
Processed through the Identification section; |
Medically screened for obvious injuries etc.; |
Booked-in, advised of charges and means of release if any; |
If unable to secure release, dressed in facility uniform;
and |
Housed in temporary quarters prior to final classification.
After a person has completed the booking process, he/she will be
placed into one of several classifications: high risk, medium risk,
low-risk, and/or trustee status. These classifications are based
on records compiled by this agency and criminal history compiled
by the Texas Criminal Information Center and the National Criminal
Information Center. Utilizing this information, inmates are classified
by current charges, past history, conduct in the facility, and in
some cases, mental stability in the least restrictive manner possible.
Initial medical screening is conducted by a state certified paramedic
in order to assess any obvious medical conditions. Once classified,
medical personnel will attempt to obtain a full medical history
for this person, and conduct a physical to determine other medical
needs. The procedure includes the creation of a permanent medical
chart, a series of medical related questions, and a basic overall
evaluation of the person's health.
The primary function of the releasing section is to insure the
proper and timely release of all persons from our custody. The most
common forms of release are: posting bond; paying one's fines requirements;
receiving credit for time served; a refusal from the Jefferson County
District Attorney's Office; or a commitment ordering a subject to
the Texas Department of Criminal Justice system.
The interiors of these facilities are similarly designed. Both
are open bay dormitory style with a raised area for the officer
to observe the entire area.
The differences begin with the fact that minimum risk inmates have
considerable freedom of movement within the facility, though that
movement is controlled, monitored, and records of current location
are maintained.
Medium risk inmates are continually controlled and any movement
outside their living area conducted under escort.
Jefferson County has two maximum security buildings with 186 beds
for persons:
classified by offense or history as high risk; |
administratively separated due to an inability to function
in the general population; |
separated from the general population for disciplinary infractions
for a maximum of 15 to 30 days dependant upon severity of those
infractions; |
separated from the general population for protective reasons,
perhaps due to infamous crimes; |
separated from the general population for "special conditions",
perhaps mentally ill |
Law Library
The Law Library provides adequate and meaningful Access to Courts
for every person held in jail. The main library serves Low and Medium
security prisoners, while an Auxiliary serves Maximum-security prisoners.
The Education Department conducts or coordinates many programs
for the inmates of the facility. These include, but are not limited
to: G.E.D., Parenting classes, AA meetings, and reading classes.