Commissioners Court
Jeff Branick, County Judge
County Courthouse
1149 Pearl Street
Beaumont, Texas 77701
Judge Branick
Fred Jackson
(409) 835-8466
Port Arthur: (409) 727-2191, ext. 8466
FAX: (409) 839-2311

Married to Sherrie (Booker) Branick, a Beaumont native
Two children, Merritt and Ellie Grace
Since taking office he has worked tirelessly on coastal erosion protection and hurricane storm surge protection for coastal residents. In recognition of his efforts he was awarded the Wetlands Conservation Achievement Award by Ducks Unlimited at the 2017 National Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference in Spokane, Washington. He was recently appointed by Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush to the Coastal Coordination Advisory Committee for the Texas Coastal Management Program and by the Environmental Protection Agency Local Government Advisory Council. (These include the Texas Air Quality Research Council. Advisory Board, Texas Coastal Resiliency Council, East Texas Regional Water Planning Group, Gulf Coast Community Protection and Recovery District, Commissioner of the Texas State Commission on National Community Service.)
He has been involved in numerous civic, social and faith-based organizations serving as officer, board member and legal counsel. Commissioner of The Texas State Commission on National and Community Service, Port Cities Rescue Mission Ministries Board (president), YMCA Port Arthur board, president, and other offices. Also legal counsel to Southeast Texas Regional Planning Commission, Leadership Southeast Texas, Red Cross board, Boy Scout fundraiser chairman, leader and board member of Young Life Ministries, a high school Christian outreach, and many other church and charitable boards. He is the author of several published legal articles and treatises. His awards include the Chris Quinn community service award and the Port Arthur YMCA volunteer of the year award. He is a member of the board of the Southeast Texas Government Employees Benefits Pool and has been the president of the Jefferson County Housing Finance Corporation for many years. He is a member of the United Methodist Temple in Port Arthur where he has served as lay leader, family life coordinator, chairman of Staff-Parish Relations, and as guest pastor on several occasions during pastor's vacations.
His hobbies include fishing, hunting, backpacking, river rafting and reading.
“Each elected county officer is the officer for public information and the custodian, as defined by Sec. 201.003, Local Government Code, of the information created or received by that county officer’s office.”
-Sec. 552.201(b) Texas Government Code
Requests for public information maintained in the office of an elected county official should be directed to the office of that official. Rights and Responsibilities Under the Public Information Act